When it comes to dreaming big and making those dreams a reality, Naia Butler-Craig is an inspiring example. As a young aerospace engineer, advocate for underrepresented minorities in STEM, and a NASA Pathways intern, Naia is paving the way for the next generation of space explorers and scientists. Her journey highlights the importance of perseverance, representation, and passion in the ever-expanding field of science. 

Naia Butler-Craig’s passion for space began at an early age. She was drawn to the mysteries of the universe and potential of human spaceflight. In high school she participated in the Tech Sassy Girlz camp where her love for science deepend. She pursued her passion by studying aerospace engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, where she distinguished herself through academic excellence and leadership in STEM initiatives.

Her inspiration stems from both personal mentors and iconic figures in space exploration, such as Dr. Mae Jemison, the first black woman in space. Seeing women of color just like her herself achieve success in a traditionally white male dominated field fueled her determination to break barriers and make an impact. However Butler-Craig faced challenges such as lack of representation and implicit biases. However, she overcomes these obstacles through resilience, mentorship, and a strong support system. Instead of letter adversity getting to her, she used it as motivation to uplift others facing similar challenges.

Advocating for Diversity in STEM

Through her work in the aerospace industry, she recognized the systemic underrepresentation of historically marginalized groups. She saw the need for mentorship, visibility, and accessibility to encourage young black and brown students to pursue careers in science and engineering. Now she actively engages with STEM outreach programs, mentors aspiring scientists, and shares her journey on social media. Her efforts extend beyond her personal achievements and she continues to create inclusive opportunities for the next generation. 

“I want to show young Black girls that they belong in STEM—that they can take up space, both figuratively and literally.” -Naia Butler-Craig

Behind the scenes of Naias work she balanced research, mentorship, and advocacy, which is no small feat. Naia dedicated herself to rigorous academic and research pursuits, ensuring that her work in propulsion systems and space exploration advances scientific knowledge while inspiring others. Naia credits much of her success to her mentors, professors, and peers who have guided her throughout her journey. The STEM community, she emphasizes, thrives on collaboration and mutual support. With the support Naia had, she was able to overcome setbacks. From challenging coursework to moments of self doubt, she has learned that failure is a stepping stone to success, she encourages young scientists to embrace challenges as learning opportunities. 

Butler-Craig aspires to work on propulsion systems that could support deep-space exploration and human missions to Mars. She also aims to expand her outreach efforts, ensuring that STEM fields become more inclusive. Her contributions to aerospace engineering and advocacy help shape a future where diversity in STEM is not an exception but the norm. By continuing her work, she hopes to inspire countless young minds to pursue careers in science and technology.

“You belong in STEM. Your dreams are valid, and the world needs your perspective and brilliance.” – Naia Butler-Craig

Call to Action

To support Naia’s mission or get involved in similar initiatives:

  • Get Involved: Support organizations that promote diversity in STEM, such as Black Girls Code and the National Society of Black Engineers.
  • Resources: Follow Butler-Craig on social media, attend STEM outreach events, and explore aerospace engineering programs.
  • Engage: Share her story, ask questions, and encourage discussions about representation in STEM.


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